Sunday, November 21, 2010

Inspiration Round Robin

The person I was tagged with for this excerise was Kyle Steppe who found an inspirational banner type thing on the web which had to do with a penny. Yes, a penny. It spoke of the reasons why we flip a penny to get a heads or tails. Perhaps it might be easier if you see the banner yourself:

I really could not come up with any reasons why this would be inspiration to me at first. Mainly because I do not flip pennies. However, I began to contemplate the reasons why I would be hopeful, what gives me hope, what do I hope for. There are many things I hope for: graduating college, getting a great job, getting married to the love of my life, being the best I can be.

I mean Hope is what got me to lose 65 pounds. Looking at me now, no one ever believed I weighed over 200 pounds. Guess what people, I did. Beth should be able to attest to my weight loss considering how long she has known me. Hope is what pushed me to follow through after many failed attempts. I dropped the weight. That's right, I lost 65 pounds. Still cannot believe it? Well how much would you guess I weigh now?

Does this help you believe?

When a person decides to lose weight they HOPE that they will lose wieght right? Whether or not they actually do is a totally different subject. The point I am making is that there are a lot of things we make up our mind to hope for. When you decide on something you are usually expecting or hoping for a certain outcome. In my case I hoped on losing weight. I succeeded. Some don't. Againt that is a different subject.

Me Before:

Me Today:

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