Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Critique is not the same as labeling.

In class yesterday we basically went over our "You Call It" assignment. A few students legitamatley did something interesting or useful, while others obviously bullshitted their way through the assignments like usual. I thought the I-Lantern was unique. I will be honest and say I never would have thought of doing that. I definetly think it should be posted up on deviantart's pumpkin carving contest or some other technology halloween contest. One student actually tried to use their time wisely and learn something new, but I think he failed in his attempts to do something great. He learned how to make a vintage effect in photoshop, but I think when you are given total free reign over an assignment where you can do anything you want (and while I think it is a great choice to learn something new), it should definetly be taken to the next level. What he did was simple and nothing special, nothing that made me say "wow". He had a great oppurtunity to do just that and he didn't, nor could he answer questions posed to him besides "oh definetly". In the end I posed it to a half bullshitted assignment.

My assignment wasn't great even though I got applauds for it. No I did not bullshit my assignment. I worked diligentley on it. I actually finished the frontpage on Sunday, but Monday I decided to go ahead and push out the other pages and finished the site as a whole. Yes, I was tired. Yes, it was a lot of work. However, it does not deserve applauds. Everyone had the same oppurtunity to go a long distance with this assignment and simply because they chose not to does not make my assignment better than anyone elses. It is just the limit I chose to hold myself to.

Like I said, I am dissappointed that a lot of students just did not take the time to really put themselves out their in this assignment. I think what pissed me off the most was the girl who did not want to show her work. I called her on it, for sure. She deserved to be called on it. If that had been me not wanting to show my work, Beth would have sat their and reemed me a new one. You don't get away with that. You don't sit there and say "oh my work sucks so I won't show it" and not expect someone to demand to see it. If you think your work sucks then your opinion is biased and you are doing yourself more harm than good, but if you were in class you already heard my strong opinion over this situation.

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