Tuesday, October 12, 2010

For the sake of a healthy debate:

Okay, so not much of a debate persay, but we did get into a deep conversation over religion and discuss a lot of historical and theoretical aspects of it. I think a lot of the conversation was great; people really kept an open mind. I think this is mainly because a few people did not show up for class and those people may have been the ones who would have been the die-hard fanatics over their beliefs. It took me awhile to really warm up to talking mainly because my views contradict a lot of sincere beliefs and as people talked there ended up being so much to respond to that I could not figure out what to address first.

I finally started responding and found that a few people agree with my beliefs which amazed me because for so long I could not find anyone who did besides my Best Friend. Heck, even my boyfriends views differ from mine because of how he was raised (I still love him lol). I did disagree with with some comments, but I cannot expect everyone to see things in the same way I do whetherthey be right or wrong. I did like what Kyle said about being an Inconclusive Theolist because now I have a category for myself when before I did not. I was just Christian.

When we got to the Westburrow Baptist Youtube video I was getting upset. I obviously do not agree with this church as many people don't. I cannot listen to these people. Do not get me wrong, I respect their beliefs. They have as much right to believe in what they choose as anyone elsel what I do not believe in is dictating and forcing your beliefs on another group of people. For a Christian to raise their voice and doom another group of people is not what Jesus taught, preached, or did. He never raised his voice, never casted fury, and forgave those who sinned and taught them with kindness and showed them a better way of living. He taught of God's Grace, yes, but he also taught about peace, and happiness, right and wrong, and it was because of how he taught, because of his overflowing love for humanity despite their mistakes, that brought people to faith. Westburrow goes against everything. God disciplined in the Old Testament before Jesus' time. When Jesus died it was God's promise to forgive sins. That was the deal he made with his son. It was a promise.

I did not stay for the video. I was burnt out on the discussion and needed time to recharge. Convesation on Religion and beliefs always leaves me drained with a sense of apprehension on what to think after hearing so many different views. I spent the rest of class time looking up different concepts people mentioned in class as a way to encourage myself to continue to be open minded and knowledgable so when I do discuss this topic with people, I do it informed and not with ignorance.

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