Thursday, September 2, 2010

AVL Inspiration

I went to the mall the other day just to do some meaningless shopping. You know, to buy things such as incense and makeup. In my opinion the mall is a little bland. It is the same thing every time I go with maybe a few stores moved around. I basically walk into the mall, go to the store, get what I need, and leave. I do not really pay attention to shops not on my list of to do’s. I also noticed that a lot of people had problems finding places and a lot of people talking about current sales. How could this be fixed?

Part of this assignment is to take a product we saw in the AVL and find a way it could be utilized in a common location of public use. The large panel screen, in my opinion, would be actually visually and actively appealing. Confused? Let me explain. Can you imaging walking through the mall and as you walk, have a large panel television along the wall. This wall could even be touch paneled where you mall goers can find a location, see advertisements, and other miscellaneous information. The interactivity is one thing malls need more of. They already have all of our favorite stores in one location, why not boost the excitement and get it more hands on. A high tech mall is a thing of the future.

The only drawback to this massive touch screen monitor is the maintenance. With so many people touching the monitor it could be a hassle to keep up with repairs. Money is also an issue. However, the revenue brought to the stores because of what the unit could do would help boost sales, I think. If customers had a more interactive way to find places that have moved or that are new ( a digital directory), or can see the sales ads as they are walking through the mall so they know there is more than one option, it would increase spending and the footprints through stores.

Obviously the pros and cons are there, but the main objective has its key functions. If it can be worked and developed it could become a key asset in marketing and not just for massive online computer chatting and screen sight as it is used for now. I think people never really know what they have truly created until others start finding more than the original usage for it to be utilized.

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