Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Egg and Eye

Our first assignment in Seeing Sideways was to take an ordinary egg and do something with it. Well, not just something, I mean to say Anything. The idea was to take an egg and do whatever we wished with it. We had no rules or limitations, besides no soft or hard core pornography. Drats.

I used my own eggs strictly because I did not want bird poop wreaking havoc on my immune system. Gross. It took me awhile to figure out a concept. My original idea was to draw faces with a sharpie on several eggs and have them doing something funny, but then I thought about how rediculous it sounded and how many times it has been done before. Then I thought, what better way to come up with an idea than to pick a topic, a controversial topic. Abortion.

Why not, right? I mean it is a egg afterall and even humans produce eggs (even though they do not shoot out of our buttocks). I had to find a way to use the egg to suit this topic and make an impact. The first thing that came to mind was Blood. Everyone is impacted someway at the sight of blood.

I cracked the egg open and poured out the yoke, cleaned out the inside and then removed the sack so I just had the shell. I then took fake blood I got from the holloween store and squirted it everywhere and smeared it. I took the picture in wit the rule of thirds in mind so the most impact was made when viewed.

Here is the final result:

To view larger click the following link:

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